21st Century Axis Of Evil

OR: How Joe Biden and the other leaders of the “Free World” are adopting the worst parts of Nazi Fascism, Communism and Sharia Law.

One-hundred years after Adolf Hitler began his political career, Joe Biden was running for the office of President of the United States of America. Adolf Hitler’s rise to power began in the newly established Weimar Republic in September 1919 when Hitler joined a political party known as the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei – DAP (German Workers’ Party).

This is significant! This Old Man does not believe in coincidences, especially when it involves actual world history!

You will be able to see the similarities of the 20thCentury Axis of Evil and the 21st Century Axis of Evil as I write this article. These similarities are so striking they cannot and should not be considered coincidental.

Joe Biden and the other leaders of the “So-Called” free world are either actively or passively acting in concert and support of Communist China Party (CCP), Putin’s Russia, the radical Muslim States; sans Japan. There, I have said it and it out in the open for public display and open discussion. Biden is the perfect example of passive support of the CCP; he either sits in his recliner in the living quarters of the White House or in the Oval Office does absolutely nothing address, curb, or acknowledge the evils of these regimes. What he does is to get his son, Hunter appointed to boards of companies with direct ties to the CCP in order to enrich the Biden Family bank accounts. This enrichment is in excess of $31 Million. Yet, Joe Biden professes to be a Christian as he is taking bribes and supporting corruption that is enslaving and genocide of the Uyghurs; who are a Muslim ethnic group living primarily in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR) in the far northwest of the People’s Republic of China (PRC).

During his first year of office, Joe Biden has accomplished only one thing, Sew the Seeds of Discontent and Division between those who want to preserve the Constitution of the United States of America and the Bill of Rights and those want to dismantle it in favor a Socialist State, ala Vladimir Lenin or Adolph Hitler.

The Free World Countries are using the CCP generated viral pandemic to seize control over companies, the government, the military, the Universities, and the very lives of its citizens. Within the last three days, the country of Italy began requiring Vax Passports to her citizens if they want to travel outside their homes. That mean they cannot leave even if they want to get groceries and personal items, so they can eat, wash themselves and wipe their asses. The City of Washington, DC USA has done exactly the same thing. The first thing Adolph Hitler did when he assumed power was to eradicate the freedom of association and movement throughout the country of Germany. ALERT: Once Vax Passports are required, they will become domestic passports and will never go away.

Joe Biden tried to issue mask mandates by illegal Executive Order for all Americans. That failed, because it violated so many of the Bill of Rights the Supreme Court had only one decision. The next thing Adolph Hitler did in Nazi German after assuming power, was to limit those who could vote and who could hold office. Along comes Joe Biden and the Democrats and introduce a bill in the House of Representatives, H.R.1 — 117th Congress (2021-2022), more commonly referred to as the Voting Rights Bill. It does everything possible to promote fraud in our election process. Let’s take a look at a few of those questionable sections:

  1. expands voter registration (e.g., automatic and same-day registration)
  2. expands voting access (e.g., vote-by-mail, voter drop-off boxes and early voting)
  3. limits removing voters from voter roll
  4. sets forth provisions related to election security, including sharing intelligence information with state election officials, supporting states in securing their election systems, developing a national strategy to protect U.S. democratic institutions, establishing in the legislative branch the National Commission to Protect United States Democratic Institutions, and other provisions to improve the cybersecurity of election systems.
  5. addresses ethics in all three branches of government, including by requiring a code of conduct for Supreme Court Justices…
  6. requires the President, the Vice President, and certain candidates for those offices to disclose 10 years of tax returns.

In other words, it gives the ruling party carte blanche in dictating how elections are to be held, counted, and who can run. The Constitution of the United States already addresses how federal elections are held and that it is up to the individual States that make up this Constitutional Republic how the elections are held for their offices. This bill is designed to circumnavigate the Amendment Process to the Constitution, which requires three-fourths of the States Legislatures to approve it. Luckily, so far the US Senate has failed to change its rule of requiring a 60% majority to pass it. If passed this will be step number two in the US becoming a fascist Nazi State.

So now within his first year, we have the Biden Administration in concert with the Democrat Majority in the United States Senate and House of Representatives trying to limit our freedom to associate and our ability to vote all under the guise of security. If you haven’t figured it out yet, this is called Slavery!

Here is how Merriam Webster defines ‘Slavery’:

Definition of slavery

1a: the practice of slaveholding

b: the state of a person who is held in forced servitude

c: a situation or practice in which people are entrapped (as by debt) and exploited

2: submission to a dominating influence


I don’t know about you, This Old Man would rather live in danger and be free than live as a slave and be secure!

You now are asking yourselves, “What is next?”

That is easy and the Democrats along with the Far Left began this effort as soon as Donald J Trump was inaugurated as the 45th President of the United States. They are attacking the two most important provisions of the 1st Amendment to the Constitution; they are, freedom to speak our minds without fear of repercussion, and our ability to worship and practice what religious teachings we decide to follow.

Yes, our freedom to speak freely without reprisal is being attacked, and it began during the Trump Administration in States and cities under the complete control of the Democrat Party and members of the Democrat Party. It began in the City of Portland, Oregon. A band of political operative roamed the streets of Portland dressed completely in black from head to toe. The only differences between those who call themselves Antifa and the Brown Shirts of Hitler during his rise to power are the color of their uniform the leaving of beer halls out of the mix, everything else is identical. Antifa violently beat, maim, and kill anyone who does not agree with their socialist ideas and attempts to create national anarchy leaving a void where enemies of the State can take over.

Are you not at least curious as to why not one Antifa leader or soldier has not been arrested for Domestic Terrorism? Have you even questioned the lack of pursuit against that organization? And now the Joe Biden is President, not one word is being said as they pursue their purpose of anarchy in our streets. The Democrats for five years have been giving Antifa their verbal, if not their financial support. This of itself should be alarming and a wake-up call to every citizen of the United States.

The next bastion of Freedom that has been under attack by the Democrats and the Far Left, is what is commonly known as ‘Freedom of Religion’. Anti-Semitism is on the rise in the United States. What is even more shocking is the rise of attacks on Christians and Christianity. Anyone who denies this is blind, willfully ignorant, or just plain stupid! It is happening. Neither Christian or Jew feels safe practicing their religious preference without some form of push back by the Elites, Antifa, and other radical extremists. If one goes as far as to debate the tenants and practices of the Muslim Religion, that person is castigated, ridiculed, shamed, and called all sorts of foul names, under the guise of ‘Freedom of Religion’. Yet, on the other hand, it is permitted and acceptable to not only debate, but to demonize, besmirch, openly attack and ridicule Christians and Jews. I see a double standard in play across this country.

In Nazi Germany, Communist Countries, and Fascist States there is no freedom to worship or to practice your religious principles. This Old Man feels particularly vulnerable. This is because, I am already ridiculed by other Christians. The reason for this is that I practice 1st Century Christianity. The original message and practices of those who brought the ministry of Yeshuah David (Jesus) to the southern shores of what we now call Europe. It was a simple relay of Christ’s message of Love. It was not held in a ‘Church” building. It wasn’t held behind an altar. All it requires was for you to believe in the message with your heart, your body, your mind, and your soul – nothing else. It was a message of inclusion, of love, of devotion, and forgiveness. Doesn’t the Lord’s Prayer request that our God in Heaven forgive those who sin against us? It was also a message of the divine bloodline of Yeshuah David. I have lived my life simply. I never coveted or held against those who have what we call the finer things in life. I centered my life around my Christianity and my family.

My Christianity requires that I do what I can politically to insure that people are free to speak their minds without fear of retribution. That others are free to worship and practice their religion as they desire; after all God has given Man the freedom of choice, how can I do anything less.

We do not need to revisit having an Axis of Evil on this planet we call Earth. We The People have tasted freedom and want no part of the slavery promised by the Democrats, the Far Left, and those who promote the New World Order. It is time, we become that Light On The Hill, to stand and be counted, and to say, “I would rather die to be free, than to live to be a slave.”

The Book Of Eli

OR: This Old Man is extremely glad that he is fan of Denzel Washington as one of the best actors in the business.

I have seen the movie “The Book of Eli” several times. For some reason while creating a dinner for my wife and I, I turned it on again. And, I was not disappointed, because each time I have seen it God has made me aware of a new message.

For those of you who have not seen the movie, I highly recommend it. God makes my eyes rain at the end every single time. To set the scene, it a post apocalypse genre with an extraordinarily strong Christian message. I won’t ruin the movie for you by giving you a scene by scene book report. That is something you will have to experience for yourself.

I do need to set it up for the point of this article. Denzel is Eli and is walking west from an unknown place of departure. For heightened effect, the movie is shown in washed-out color and a near Sepia Tone. Along his way he encounters many obstacles.

He enters a town run by “Carnegie” played by Gary Oldman. He plays the pure evil town dictator who is looking for a book with a cross on the cover. Eli is befriended by an innocent young woman Solar, played by Mila Kunis.

Needless to say, the book Carnegie is looking for is being carried by Eli. Carnegie will go to all ends and means to get the book, because as he says it will give him complete control over the people. Eli reads the book every day. Unfortunately, he loses the book to Carnegie. Yet, with all the dangers, Eli walks west with no fear and a sense of purpose. Solar joins his journey west and learns important lesson along the way even though the book has fallen into the evil hands of Carnegie.

Today, God made me hear the following line from the character Eli; “Do for the others more than you do for yourself”

That line jumped out at me with a power that is greater than when Yeshuah and Mary of Magdala are speaking to me. In today’s 2020 social climate, it hit me like a ton of bricks. This is what is missing, and that Nancy Pelosi, AOC, Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris are all acting like the character ‘Carnegie’.

We are on the verge of a similar apocalypse where survivors such as Carnegie search out and destroy every copy of the Holy Bible. Like the politics on the left, Blame the Christians for all of Society’s ill and problems. They don’t bother to look at their own diabolical path they are burning across America. We really don’t want Eli delivering a King James version of the Holy Bible by memory a secure Island, securing the outlawed Alcatraz Press.

The Democrats have long forgotten to “Do for the others more than you do for yourself”. One cannot get rich in Politics unless they are doing more for self. It is time we get back to the citizen legislator. At the end, Carnegie cannot read the Bible because it written in brail. Please see the movie, and get your own message from God.

Human, Child And Sex Trafficking

OR: All the stories Social Media has and is taking down are true, verified by research!

Before you say it’s all a conspiracy, research. I’m sure this will be taken down soon.

I’m just the messenger… But here you go….

I’ve been researching this crap for a while…The FBI uncovered a sex trafficking ring in Boystown, right outside of Omaha Ne. That was back in the late 80’s early 90’s when Barney Franks was a Senator. The FBI field director’s name was run into the ground, he was forced out of the FBI, and eventually was suicided.

Pizzagate is real!

It isn’t some conspiracy theory. It’s real. It’s always been real. And you can’t convince me otherwise.

If you think the Wayfair Stuff makes you sick, then wait. Because what you’re seeing is just a small piece to a HUGE puzzle.

This runs deep.

People laughed at Pizzagate…. They aren’t laughing anymore. Human trafficking is real. It’s one of the classes you take when you’re fostering/adopting. It’s at least 4 hours.

Elite pedophilia is real. Organ harvesting is real. It’s not a new phenomenon. It’s not something that just started. It’s been going on for YEARS. It’s not something that is just going on in the US. It’s happening all over the world. It involves Hollywood. It involves politicians on both sides. It involves the Rich. People you look up to are involved.

And I get it. It’s hard to wrap your head around what’s going on. It’s hard to imagine something so dark and disgusting going on right under your nose. It’s hard to imagine something so evil is happening to our children. It’s easy to laugh it off as some conspiracy theory. Oh no, not my favorite actor, singer, or politician. Oh no, not Hillary. She can’t be involved. She was going to save us from Trump.

The international Labor Organization estimates 40.3 MILLION human trafficking victims GLOBALLY.

  • If you think this is still a hoax or don’t want to come to terms with the fact that an Elite Pedophilia ring exists, ask yourself this:
  • Everyone knew about Epstein and his love for underage girls.
  • People were calling Little Saint James “Pedophile Island” since Epstein purchased the island in 1998.
  • With that knowledge, why did Bill Clinton and Obama visit Epstein’s pedophile Island? Multiple times?
  • Why did the locals report seeing dozens of young kids being taken across there for years?
  • Why was Bill Gates a regular visitor there?
  • Prince Andrew…. Do I need to say more and why is The Queen going around threatening anyone to run the story if it’s not true?
  • You mean to tell me that all these prominent men and women went to this pedophile island for one big party? Knowing what they knew about him? It wasn’t a secret.
  • What was Epstein using the underground tunnels for?
  • Who was Ghislaine Maxwell?
  • Did you know she owned a submarine company?
  • Did you know she has her sub pilot license?
  • What could she possibly need a submarine pilot license for?
  • Did you know that yachts with submarines were used to transport kidnapped children from Haiti to Epstein’s pedophile Island?
  • What about Laura Silsby? The woman who was tried in Haiti for trying to sneak and KIDNAP 30 children to bring them to the US. Clinton’s used executive order to bring her back without being charged.
  • The kicker…… guess who changed their legal name and is in charge of amber alert— Laura Silsby… but let’s not mention that…. People who dig down that hole end up dying….
  • Did you know the TerraMar project was founded by Clinton Foundation and was located in the Lynn De Rothschild property in Manhattan?
  • Chelsea Clinton and Ghislaine are reported to be remarkably close and actually vacationed together. You mean to tell me that Chelsea didn’t know about Ghislaine?
  • Remember when Chelsea’s wedding was paid for with money that was supposed to feed starving Haitian children?
  • Why did Hillary put Ghislaine’s nephew in charge of key Middle East policy decisions when she ran the State Department? You know… the one overseeing US/Libya policy that got an ambassador killed.
  • What about the Podesta Emails?
  • What was up with John and Tony Podesta’s artwork?
  • Would you own any of that creepy “art”?
  • Why would Obama buy $65,000 worth of taxpayer’s money to have hot dogs fly in from Chicago for a private party?
  • Did you know that hotdog is an FBI code word for young boys?
  • Who is James Alefantis?
  • A pizza restaurant owner in DC. Who happens to be named one of the most powerful people in DC-A pizza place, a man that owns a children’s pizza place, a man that has close ties with the Clinton’s, Obama, Epstein and many more?
  • Have you seen his Instagram? Oh you probably haven’t… you’re just now looking into everything.
  • Have you looked up the art that is in his pizza place?
  • You want your kids seeing that stuff?
  • What about the dark web login to get into his site and order pizza that cost thousands of dollars? Oh wait… that was taken down.
  • What is a pizza place owner doing communicating with the White House?
  • What about the Hollywood actor that walked into comet pizza and shot at a locked closet door? The same closet that housed his computer which ended up with a bullet through the hard drive? Odd.
  • What about Anthony Weiner? All the emails found on his laptop.
  • You mean to tell me that his wife, Huma Abedin, had no knowledge of what was going on?
  • Huma and her friend Hillary had NO clue about this 15-year-old girl?
  • What about the folder titled “Life Insurance”?
  • You know the one that housed the now famous videos titled “Frazzledrip” with Huma and Hillary. You want nightmares, read about those videos!!
  • The same Huma and Hillary who 9 NYPD have “committed” suicide after watching a horrific video of them doing unspeakable things to little girl? The same NYPD who threw up because what they saw was horrific?
  • Speaking of suicide, why have 57 former colleagues and associated ended up dead in the past 30 years? 15 have died of suicide. 8 died in a plane, car, or motorcycle accident and 14 have been found mysteriously murdered. All of these people had info that could have potentially hurt the Clinton’s career. I don’t even have 57 friends,  let alone know 57 people that I need to add to a hit list.
  • Why is James Comey’s daughter the lead prosecutor on the Epstein sex trafficking case?
  • Former CEO of Reddit, Ellen Pao admitted they Knew Ghislaine supplied underage girls for Epstein and his ‘pedo’ buddies?
  • The Norwegian Royal Family implicated in Epstein Scandal? Why? Not surprising considering Prince Andrew.
  • What about Oprah’s mentor? John of God and Weinstein. You mean to tell me Oprah didn’t know? Come on now…
  • Have you even heard of the NXIVM case? They were just running a sex cult where Smallville actress, Allison Mack was arrested and indicted on federal charges related to sex trafficking.
  • The McMartin Preschool, The Franklin Cover up, Seth Rich, Isaac Kappy, Boystown, The Finders, the Bohemian Club. The list goes on and on…
  • Denish Hastert…. Do you know him? You should. Good buddies with Podesta….
  • Robert Menendez. Mike Folmer. Prominent democratic donor, Terry Bean. David Byrd. George Byrd. All known prominent pedophiles.

Why don’t we hear more about Biden’s Island? Very close to Epstein’s Island.

The Podesta brothers were known suspect’s years ago when little Madeline McCain was stolen from her parent’s hotel while on vacation. What ever happened to her?

This doesn’t even cover a quarter of what is going on. This is so much more than Epstein. It’s so much more than Ghislaine. This runs deep and you’re going to be shocked at the ending.

I’m not interested in hypotheticals, rumors or fact-less connections. Everything. Everything ties together. Everything is connected.

So while others are more concerned about COVID, I’m more concerned about saving our children. Aren’t you?

Pass it on… if you believe one scintilla of the above before the Facebook and Twitter police get rid of it…

Democrat Governors Keep Bars and Christian Churches Closed

OR: The Democrats follow the tradition of King George III, trying to ban attendance at bars and churches.

King George III knew that the seeds of revolution were sewn in the Pulpits and Taverns during the 18th Century. The Democrats have come to realize that Christian Churches preach peace and non-violence in addition to “render unto Caesar only that which is Caesar’s and the rest to the glory of God in the Highest. They also realize that after a long day of hard work and labor the average American worker enjoys a draught at their favorite bar, tavern, or pub. Where they discuss their dislike of giving their hard earn pittance of a wage to those who prefer not to work. This is why the Democrat Governors are refusing to let Pubs and Pulpits open for the public.

This Old Man is sure that Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, and the other Left-Wing Democrats think that both of those ideas are sedition to their socialist One World Order. As evidenced by the most recent upheavals, The Democrats wish that we would bow and kneel at their altar of government. And they want to have us think that letting us keep 20% of our earnings, which they think that they own, shows just how magnanimous they are.

The Democrats show no animus toward large groups of “protesters”, who bring rock, bricks, baseball bats, blinding lasers, incendiary devices, and motors, who gather in small areas with and without masks to destroy buildings owned by the Federal Government. In fact, the Democrats defend the actions of these so-called protesters and rioters. They are the new protected class of people. They condemn the sanity of protecting Federal Buildings because they provide essential services to peoples of the communities affected.

Like our Forefathers, it is time to stand up for our Rights. It’s time to stand against the Elitist & autocratic Democrats. It is time to push back against the tyranny of the Left. Antifa, the BLM Movement, the Wall of Moms, the George Soros Minions, the Four Women of the Apocalypse, and agents of foreign governments.

It Is Time For All Patriots To Take To The Streets In Peaceful Protest Against The Agents Of Evil!

Gov. Cuomo Policies Causing Elderly To Die

OR: Why is Governor Andrew Cuomo not using the Javits Center or the USNS Comfort for COVID-19 patients, as they remain unused and empty?

Two days ago Governor Andrew Cuomo, D-NY lied to the Citizens of the State of New York and to the American Public. He advised in a press conference that he did not know why patients in the final terminal stages of the Corona Virus were being sent to already understaffed and over worked nursing homes around New York. He promised an inquiry into this practice.

On Tuesday, May 5, 2020 Governor Cuomo was questioned about that practice and his response:

“That’s a good question, I don’t know,” — “The nursing home has to make the decision,” he said Tuesday. “If they don’t think they can take care of someone, all they have to do is say no.”

On March 30, 2020, Governor Cuomo ordered nursing homes in New York to accept COVID-19 patients do to “an urgent need to expand hospital capacity” in what is titled, Advisory: Hospital Discharges and Admissions to Nursing HomesAdvisory: Hospital Discharges and Admissions to Nursing Homes. The directive says in part:

“During this global health emergency, all NHs must comply with the expedited receipt of residents returning from hospitals to NHs. Residents are deemed appropriate for return to a NH upon a determination by the hospital physician or designee that the resident is medically stable for return.”


“No resident shall be denied re-admission or admission to the NH solely based on a confirmed or suspected diagnosis of COVID-19. NHs are prohibited from requiring a hospitalized resident who is determined medically stable to be tested for COVID-19 prior to admission or readmission.”

On April 30, 2020, the USNS Comfort, a naval hospital, arrived in New York Harbor because it only served 179 patients with a capacity of 1,000. Yet, Governor Cuomo continued to send Corona Virus positive cases to New York nursing homes, as the Comfort and Javits Center remained basically unused. Governor Cuomo never rescinded the order to send patients to nursing homes.

President Trump in cooperation with Mayor Bill DeBlasio of New York City converted the Javits Center into a 2500 bed field hospital run by the military for Corona Virus patients on April 6, 2020. So, for nearly the entire month of April 2020 New York had an extra 3500 hospital beds ready and able to take Corona Virus patients, yet Governor Cuomo continued to send Corona Virus overflow patients to state licensed nursing homes.

This begs the question, Why did Governor Cuomo put highly susceptible elderly people in danger, while refusing to use services supplied by the Federal Government? Why did 4813 elderly die needlessly?

Hence forth, Governor Andrew Cuomo will be known simply at Governor Death. He has needlessly caused the death of thousands of New York Citizens. He has squandered the resources available to the citizens of New York. And, he now has the audacity to ask the Federal Government for a “Bail-Out”. It is time for the citizens of New York to look at the facts and send their governor packing.

Are We On The Cusp Of Government Tyranny Or The Renewal Of Constitutional Freedoms?

Or: What We All Are Thinking, But Have Not Asked

 What does a stay at home order mean for California? | cbs8.com Berrien County Prosecutor explains how police will enforce ...

I did not write this! I am sharing what was shared with me by a friend. She asks some really good questions that need answers.

From: Dyane Stanley Riemer

I’ve received a lot of ridicule for posting information I am finding that disputes the narrative of the mainstream press. I’m sorry people feel they need to do that. With that in mind, I want to post what is going on inside my head. I did not write this, but it explains perfectly what I am thinking. I am not posting this to be further ridiculed; rather, I am posting this to explain my position, and why I feel the way I do. You are allowed to have a different opinion… and I am not bashing you for it. Please don’t bash me for mine. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * At what point do we ask the question “why did we react to this new strain of Coro-virus differently and with more panic and fear than any other time in history?”

When do we ask the question “why for the first time ever in our history did we quarantine EVERYONE instead of only the sick?”

Isn’t it time to ask “why is it okay to go mingle with others at big name home improvement stores but we can’t go mingle with our neighbors and families at church?”
Why aren’t we asking “why is the main stream media pushing so much fear about this particular virus when they didn’t with similar outbreaks in recent history?”

“Why are the top people in charge of providing facts, information, guidance and accurate professional data on this virus so far off on their forecasted deaths (by millions)?”

“Why are the top health professionals saying healthy people should stay inside, use disinfecting cleansing agents, wash their hands often and avoid exposing yourself to any germs when doctors around the country are saying that will only lower our immune systems and cause a huge spike in disease when things open back up?”

Accurate data is coming in now and the numbers of cases and deaths with this virus are more in line with the seasonal flu. Look at it for yourself. It’s public record.
Why the hell haven’t we asked “why are doctors being pressured to label patient deaths as covid-19 deaths when it wasn’t the virus that caused their death?”

There are so many more questions.

Do we just not care? Really? Have we just given up and surrendered to doing whatever we’re told, believing whatever we hear and trusting those in positions of power because someone labeled them “in charge”?

Are we willing to give up our rights and our way of life because we’re to scared or too trusting of those “in charge” to merely ask questions?

My GOD people, we’re American citizens!

Have we forgotten that WE THE PEOPLE are in charge?!

Ask questions! “Why all the fear and inflated propaganda? What’s the real reason?

It’s been said that it’s election season and this the way to FINALLY bring down President Trump.

The media hate him. The democrats hate him. They have been trying to destroy him since even before his inauguration. But why? Because they just don’t like him? Because he’s smug? Politically incorrect? Narcissistic? Rude? Because they don’t like his character? Really?

Or is it because they are afraid.

Remember, Donald Trump isn’t a politician. He refused to take a presidential salary, no salary even.

He promised as part of his campaign to DRAIN THE SWAMP and he’s doing it.
That’s why they’re afraid. They will stop at nothing to protect THEIR way of life.
Their corrupt, greedy, manipulative, tax payer robbing, get rich quick scheming, no term limit having above the law way of life!

Please wake up and look at what’s going on right in front of you. Bill Gate s has said we must control the population through vaccinations. Look it up! And now this virus? And now he’s saying he wants to vaccinate the whole world because of this exaggerated virus? And he wants “digital certificates” for everyone who’s been vaccinated?!
And we’re sitting at home posting Trump memes and STILL NOT ASKING QUESTIONS

i didn’t vote for Trump in 2016. I didn’t like him. His ego and narcissism soured my opinion of him. I’m the polar opposite of him in character. I’m humble, teachable, nice to people and above all I know my imperfections and I’m not embarrassed to share that with you. But then I saw how the media treated him. Under normal circumstances things would settle down and people would accept that he’s our president and at least hope he does a somewhat decent job.

Not this time. It got worse and worse and worse. And despite the undeniable fact that our economy was booming, unemployment was down, the markets were soaring and it was evident he was succeeding at being a President the press and democrats kept attacking and attacking using every dirty trick, scheme, plot and lie to try and take him out of office.


All I did is ask a question.

And I only asked it of myself…..for fear of being ridiculed, mocked and made fun of.
I couldn’t understand where the hate was coming from. Something was different.
No one would go to these lengths to try and ruin a President who was successful and making our country prosper…… unless they were afraid of something. Terrified even.
So I started researching. And researching.

I’ve been researching heavily since August of 2019. I haven’t the time or space to show you what I’ve learned over the last 9 months but I will tell you this;
There is a battle of good vs. evil going on right now and I don’t mean metaphorically.
And no I’m not some brainwashed conspiracy theorist.

Just open up your eyes people and look at things from a position of clarity, logic and unclouded judgement.

And if and when you start to see what’s happening be prepared to fight the cognitive dissonance you feel and please….

Just. Start. Asking. Questions.

Keeping It Friendly During The Chinese Flu

OR: Never discount a friendly encounter with another person you have never met before.

I live in Sioux Falls and the grocery store I frequent is the Iowa based chain out of Iowa, Hy-Vee. The store I go to is only about four to five blocks from our home. The new store hours due to the Chinese Flu is open 7:00 AM for seniors (for which this Old Man qualifies) and 8:00 AM for the general public.

Every Sunday for a very long time, I have gone to the grocery to get two donuts, one for my bride of 45 years and one for myself and the Sunday edition of the Sioux Falls Argus Leader. I never got within 30 of another human except for an employee. On the way out to my car carrying my bags (this morning I had a few extra items to pick up) there was a silver haired female loading her trunk and I kept at least a 15 foot clearance.

I said, “Good morning,” as I passed by to my car – one car and a cart rack distance.

She replied with a huge smile, “Interesting times we are living in, don’t you think.”

I responded, “Yes, Indeed they are.” After a pause, “And we are getting a first hand education of what socialism would be like.”

The new acquaintance agreed, “We have been spoiled as a society for way too long.”

I related a life lesson my grandfather drummed into me as a young child, “Yes, very spoiled and we don’t know how good we have it today.My grandfather was a small town banker and he regretted selling out to Bank of America in the 30’s. He told me that if you have spare change in your pocket, you are among the wealthiest of people in the world. He was so right.”

She said, “I heard the same thing when I was young. God is speaking to us. He’s trying to tell something.”

“I have been visiting with God for a very long time now; and you are one-hundred percent correct. The problem is that a lot of us are just not listening and will be in for a rude awakening.”

We finished loading our groceries and each said to the other, “Have a good day and go with God.”


Awakening And Walking Away

OR: Have you ever been woken from a deep sleep by an unknown by loving kiss; or the touch from a finger that can only be described from the Hand of God?

The point of this article is two-fold, spiritual and political in nature. This author is a very spiritual person. I wouldn’t go so far as say being overtly religious. I know that I am Christian; yet I do not agree with the tenets of any the major Christian Churches. I believe many gospels were left out of the Holy Bible for political reasons. I firmly believe that Saul of Tarsus (aka: St. Paul) was a fraud and did not fully accept all of the teachings of Yeshuah (Jesus); especially when it came to the inclusion of women in His ministry.

In Israel at the time of the Roman Occupation, for a man to be considered or called Rabbi, he had to be a married man. So, the concept for me that Yeshuah was celibate was not even a remote possibility. Yet, I firmly believe in the Divinity of Yeshuah and His teachings per all the known gospels. I do not need a crucifix on an altar to pray to or to wear one around my neck. I would rather concentrate on what He accomplished when He was alive and not the morbidity of his death but the divine nature of His sacrifice.

The dreams of this author over the last sixty years border on being prophetic in nature. As an example, as a freshman in college I dreamed I was the groom in a wedding and had a full living color image of my bride. Two days after my wedding at age 26, I had that Déjà vu moment when I realized that I had indeed seen my bride in my dreams eight years before right down to the dress, color of hair height and facial features. In fact, on our first date, I just knew we were going to get married.

I have been woken by what can only be described as a divine loving kiss on the forehead and the touch of a divine finger. Those were to remind me of my mission on Earth and the promise I made to God. It also reminds me that when I get to heaven that my brother, Yeshuah and sister, Mary of Magdala will be there to greet me.

Last night, I had one of those moments where I felt a touch; and a message to deliver during these tough political times in the United States. This year we have a very clear choice of what direction this country will take and if this country will survive as a Constitutional Republic; which gives individuals the Right to communicate with God in the manner that suits them and God. I make no judgement on what religion one follows; as long as they do it honestly, with divine reverence and allow others to do the same.

If one believes in God, there should be no question as to how they vote. The alternative on the Left is Socialism, which believes in the divinity of the State over the individual. In spite of what Atheist say, they have a faith in something; most likely, it is secular humanism, which is the belief in the divinity of the individual or man. It is still a faith-based system; yet they will tell you otherwise.

Socialism on the other hand puts the State as the religious entity. The State becomes the final arbiter. Let’s look at the People’s Republic of China. The State controls every aspect of the lives of its citizens, from the number of children a couple can have to how they live their daily lives. It makes the State to individual an adversarial relationship by the very nature of it.

Those running for President and their supporters on the Left try to say that it is not the same thing. It is the same. For socialism to work as designed, there has to be a dictatorial style leadership in place. Each time a dictatorial leadership comes into being, even if it by a proletariat it devolves into a slave – master relationship. There would be no freedom to speak out against tyranny or any other egregious offence by the government.

Look at the actions of the Left since the last Presidential election. They have attempted to dissolve the existing elected government. They have physically and verbally attempted to shut down speech by any one or group who disagrees with their narrow point of view. They have caused riots in the streets without consequence. Cities and States run by the Left are openly and purposely defying federal regulations and laws. They are making laws and ordinances that are direct violation of the Constitution of the United States of America. The Governor of Michigan, during a pandemic, purposefully made an executive order banning doctors from prescribing medicines that have shown to be affective against the Chinese Flu. She has gone so far as to threaten their medical licenses, jail time and severe financial penalties. Some of those left-leaning supporters have gone so far as to say the Christians and Jews are responsible for all the country’s ills.

Are these the actions of people who want to maintain the Constitution of the United States of America? Are these the actions of people who will allow you to worship and pray as you desire. Are these the actions of people who will honor open and honest debate of the issues of our times?

I think not. If you are Christian or Jewish, there is only one clear direction for you to vote. As I said, I am a Christian and I don’t want someone else telling me how to worship or to whom or to what. Donald J Trump is the only true Constitutional Conservative running for the Office of President of the United States. If you want to maintain your current lifestyle, worship in the manner in which you are accustomed and have redress to tyranny, then Trump is the only person you for who you should cast your vote for President.

A Simple Message

OR: A Divine Message Of Awakening

Yeshuah of Galilee from the House of David, known to us as Jesus Christ and Mary of Magdala from the House of Benjamin, know to us as Mary Magdalene woke this author this morning at 0400 AM Central Time. He came in an aura of Royal Blue and She in an aura of Crimson Red; both surrounded by sea of bright white.

The dream seemed as real to me as my family is to me. Yeshuah touched my shoulder wakened me with these words:

My Message is and always has been very simple. That message is to love one another as I love you.

Stop the hatred. Stop the fighting. Stop the divisiveness. For, we are all the same under the eyes of God.

As they parted, they simply said that I was to get this message out to as many as I could.

From this Old Man, please pass this message around. It is long past the time to stop the hatred and animus. It is long past time to stop the hatred based on race, we all bleed Red. It is time to talk out our differences.

Today’s Conservative Is Yesterday’s Liberal

OR: Why U.S. Citizens are primarily coffee drinkers versus tea drinkers.

Two-hundred-fifty years ago, a few men of varying backgrounds and religious beliefs with the help from their wives were bound by a liberal idea.

These men and women, who were the driving force behind them, were not perfect. Like everyone else, they were flawed human beings. Like everyone else, they were seeking perfection; but falling short of the Divine Goal. Yet, they found a way to come together to advance an idea that was a confederation of the best of each individual.

That idea was based on basic desires of every human being, to be able to live their lives as they saw fit, and not by the leave of a Monarch, yet still within a societal construct. That was a radical idea for the late 18th Century. These men and women were mostly business owners, artisans, landowners and professionals. Each were carving out their lives in the American Colonies owned by the British Empire. They used resources available to them. What they built for themselves was done by taking chances and not by inheritance, as it was in the “Old World”.

Most of the people had never stepped foot in that “Old World”. They saw their parents struggle. They saw them and their neighbors come together as communities to settle disputes among themselves and to set up basic governments that helped to give order to their daily lives. For the longest time, they lived without the interference of the Empire, except for some minor taxation. Those who ran that Empire saw how prosperous those “Colonists” were becoming, without their help, except for a small contingent of army and navy troops for security. These colonists were not part of the ruling elite. It was similar to the situation that exists with the current day political climate in Hong Kong, China Those in power wanted a piece of that prosperity; for as they said, to pay for the services the “Crown” was providing them; and more importantly, those powerbrokers wanted to control those upstart “Colonists”.

What the corrupt governors of the time failed to tell those who ruled the Crown, was how the colonists were used to self-governance and living their lives without asking the leave of the ruling class and the elites. The governors were being paid by both the Crown as well as accepting bribes from the local colonial leaders. It all came to a head when the Crown began enforcing restrictive laws and rules, along with increased taxation. The colonists became used to a certain lifestyle and the freedom to live their lives without government interference. The excessive taxation of tea became one of the spearheads issues. It was also the beginning of American becoming a nation of coffee drinkers versus tea drinkers.

This is a simple overview of the history of the Colonial U.S.; yet it forms the backdrop for what was to come. The concepts that drove to the break with the crown were sewn at the very beginning g of the colonies. Most of the early colonialist came to escape. They were escaping many different things; but the most prevalent was religious freedom. Some eighteen-hundred years before, Jesus came with a divine; which was radical for his time as well. That basic message from God was “Love one another as God loves you.” Were the colonialists perfect at keeping that message that simple. No, they were not.

Yet, when at the end of the Revolutionary War, the colonialists had to come together to form a government. They realized that the colonies were spread far apart, and each colony lived their lives by certain standards and morals; which were not identical to one another. At first, they came up the Article of Confederation. They quickly found out that this gave too much power to each new State. They became feudal fiefdoms and unworkable on the world stage. In the year 1me the 790, the colonies finally adopted the Constitution of the United States of America.

The Constitution was a radical and very liberal idea for its time. It became the foundation of the concept of self-governance. It formed a Republic for the people, of the people and most importantly, by the people. George Washington convinced them that he did not want to be a king and that no one else should be either. What made this liberal idea so radical is that it had never been done before in the history of mankind. It was a republic of individual states held together by a limited central or federal government, designed to settle disputes between them, to bargain treaties with foreign governments on their behalf, and to provide for the common defense and security of all the states combined from common enemies.

This new Constitutional Republic went even further, by guaranteeing everyone with never before heard of freedoms. Was this Constitution perfect? It was as perfect as humanly possible. Over the course of years, it became apparent that the management of this young republic was as flawed as the humans managing it. Yes, we humans are flawed. Even with these flaws we attempt to be as perfect as possible. As a Republic, we address these flaws for God and all the World to see; and yet for the most part, we are able to settle our differences in a civilized manner by agreement to certain standards. So far, that has worked quite well, while keeping the Constitution in tack and in its basic form.

We haven’t solved all the problems of the United States of America. We have a long way to go. The one basic is that the government cannot guarantee a few things: success, the feeling of equality, happiness, jealousy, or what’s in the heart of our fellow citizen. What our representatives can address is the removal of those obstacles that impede our ability to achieve the success, the equalities or the criminality caused as the result of the lack of happiness, jealousy, or hard-heartedness.

Our Young Republic is still working on improving. What was once a radical and liberal idea in the 18th Century. The Constitution has become the benchmark of freedom. That freedom scares those elites who want complete control, like the monarchs had years, and years ago. That which was a liberal concept two-hundred-fifty years ago has now become that which is worth conserving.

re primarily coffee drinkers versus tea drinkers.