Words of Entitlement and Freedom

Every morning, after making my self presentable to face God, I seek him out for a conversation through supplication…for those who may not know what supplication is, here is what the Merriam-Webster Dictionary says:



sup·​pli·​cate ˈsə-plə-ˌkāt 


Synonyms of supplicate

intransitive verb

to make a humble entreaty

especially to pray to God

transitive verb

1: to ask humbly and earnestly of

2: to ask for earnestly and humbly”

God’s answers are not always immediately forthcoming. However, this morning, 24 October 2023 God reminded me of these few prophetic words written in the year 1776: “We hold these truths to be self-evident.” It took me all of about five seconds to understand His clear and concise message to me. He gave me the gift of the written word. He reminded me that those who came before me were granted the gift of words and those words were given to our Forefathers by God.

We don’t need any new fancy sounding slogans as Conservatives. We have the words of those who came before us! These words are universal, applying to all of mankind. These are words of Freedom. These are Words of Entitlement. These are words of power beyond ourselves. These are words to live by, with and under. These are the words from The Declaration Of Independence: We can substitute the words, “Colonies” with “States” and “The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations” with “The history of the present Installed President of the United States of America is of repeated injuries and usurpations” and we would be perfectly in our rights to do so. Let’s all read these Great Words:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.–Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.”

I was hit by the day 24. It will be exactly one year from today that we can change the course of a nation to be once again that shining light upon the hill that gives hope to the rest of mankind by making up our minds that in two short weeks We The People can take back our country from those who wish to destroy it!

Who Wants To Join Me And Repeat Theses Words For The Next 365 Days?

J-6 Kangaroo Court

OR: How the J-6 Committee is an illegitimate House Committee which predetermined the outcome of its hearings.

As an introduction my name is Scott Hammon Hendricks. I am a Constitutional Conservative, Fiscal Conservative and for the most part a Social Conservative, too. My father, George Hammon Hendricks was in essence a Conservative Democrat, registered as a Republican. This was probably due to my mother was a fire brand conservative. His father, Scott Springer Hendricks registered as a Republican because it was politically expedient and kept him in the good graces of his powerful father-in-law Gold Dredger King, Wendell Philucius Hammon. His father, William Chalmers Hendricks was the Democrat State Senator from Butte County, California and subsequently Secretary of State for California. WC’s brother, Abraham Washington Hendricks was an American attorney and politician. He represented Jefferson County, Indiana, in the Indiana House of Representatives for one term and was president of the Indiana State Bar Association.

WC’s first Cousin was Thomas Andrews Hendricks, was an American politician and lawyer from Indiana who served as the 16th governor of Indiana from 1873 to 1877 and the 21st vice president of the United States from March until his death in November 1885. Hendricks represented Indiana in the U.S. House of Representatives (1851–1855) and the U.S. Senate (1863–1869). He also represented Shelby County, Indiana, in the Indiana General Assembly (1848–1850) and as a delegate to the 1851 Indiana constitutional convention. In addition, Hendricks served as commissioner of the General Land Office (1855–1859). Hendricks, a popular member of the Democratic Party, was a fiscal conservative. He defended the Democratic position in the U.S. Senate during the American Civil War and Reconstruction era and voted against the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution.

Their uncle was William Hendricks, was a Democratic-Republican member of the House of Representatives from 1816 to 1822, the third governor of Indiana from 1822 to 1825, and an Anti-Jacksonian member of the U.S. Senate from 1825 to 1837. He led much of his family into politics and founded one of the largest political families in Indiana. His father was Col. Abraham Hendricks ESQ and Justice of the Peace for Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. This was before the Democrat Party was formed.

As one can see my family has been quite active in the Democrat Party since its inception. Growing up in Sacramento, California during the 1950s and 1960s, my major influence was my mother and the move of the Democrats in California toward corruption and far left liberal policies. Our political family have always been fiscal conservatives and the Democrat Party was moving away from that position. I therefore became the first true Conservative in the Hendricks Family. This gives me a very diverse perspective on this subject. Below, are the real facts being hidden and obscured by the J-6 Committee.

What I write here today, concerns the J-6 Committee with the perspective of both a Republican and Conservative Democrat. In order for the House of Representatives to run smoothly, and deliberately, the number of members on a committee and the ratio of majority/minority members is determined by the Majority party with consultation with the minority. This is done to insure equity of representation and the avoid the appearance of being a proletariat form of government. The J-6 Committee broke from these long-standing traditions and generally accepted rules. Speaker, Nancy Pelosi refused membership for any Republican selected by Minority Leader, Kevin McCarthy and selected two Republicans who political beliefs and philosophies align with Liberal Democrats, Liz Cheney, and Adam Kinzinger, both registered as Republicans for expedient purposes living in strong conservative districts. Yet they do not represent and have not represented Republican positions.

The make up of the J-6 Committee was designed for one purpose, to gather witnesses and testimony to support their preplanned outcome. The rules they set up prevented any meaningful defense of the J-6 who have been jailed in Solitary Confinement since January 2021. The preplanned outcome has never been about the J-6 Political Prisoners; it has been all about holding a Kangaroo Court, Nazi Tribunal, and Witch Hunt against our 45th President, Donald John Trump. All witnesses, and testimony was all filtered to fulfill the predetermined outcome of the Committee. The only Defense testimony allowed was weak hearsay and easily refutable. No witness was allow who could strongly defend the Political Prisoners. No one, and I mean not one person was surprised by or shocked by the Statement of Conclusion that was given by the Committee on October 13, 2022.

The Only video footage allowed to be scene was of the few people who were not arrested and that of the Capital Police opening the 20,000-pound door, which are magnetically sealed and opened by motors. One not arrested was, Antifa protester John Sullivan was caught on video posing as a Trump supporter during the rioting at the US Capitol on January 6th. And then, you have Ray Epps. The large provocateur who wore a MAGA hat and later proven to be a Biden Supporter. He whipped the crowd into a frenzy and was the one who pushed the crowd toward the Capital Building and was already inside the Capital when the Capital Police began opening the doors. This was proven by video evidence that was not allowed to be presented to the J-6 Committee. Ray Epps has never been arrested and has subsequently been protected by the Biden Run DOJ.

Ray Epps and the Capital Police were the instigators of the incursion into the Capital Building where the crowd was mostly peaceful, except for Ray Epps. Then there was the claim that a Capital Police Offer was killed by the crowd on January 6. That has been proven false. The only person to die on Capital grounds was the Lieutenant. It was a week later after he suffered a stroke while sitting at his desk.

Then comes the fallacious claim that President Trump was the one who instigated the entire affair. That is the furthest thing from the truth. The actual fact is that there had been rumors presented to President Trump the week earlier that there was a planned abduction of the peaceful protest by Antifa and agents supporting soon to be installed President Biden. Trump arranged to have the National Guard present to support the Capital Police. He offers that help to Speaker Nancy Pelosi. She refused the offer and said they had plenty of Capital Police to handle the situation. She then arranged to have a small crew of officers working that day at the Capital building. Most were stationed out on the street.

Then comes the claim that Trump had his Limousine driven to the Capital Building. That claim has been prove false by the drivers and those present in the Limo. He was in the city but miles away from the crowd.

The J-6 Committee issued a subpoena for Trump to Testify. This Old Man recommends that he ignore the summons; because the Committee is illegitimate from the outset. The premise of the Committee was set, and everything done was to substantiate the predetermined outcome.

How The Democrat Party Works Toward Total Control

OR: How the Democrat Party has adopted the Strategy of Adolph Hitler to gain and keep power in the United States

To figure out what the Democrat Party of the United States of America, one only has to study the rise to power of Adolph Hitler and the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (German National Socialist Workers’ Party or NSDAP). It was a classic strategic usurping of total and complete power. The one difference is that the Democrat Party chose an old feckless and mentally incompetent face of the Party in order to avoid the mistake the NSDAP made of allowing a one-person dictatorship. This makes it a marriage of Nazi and Soviet style communism.

Let’s take a look at how Hitler came to power in Germany.

The first order of business was to control the message. The Nazis maintained tight control over what was reported by them and how it was perceived. Hitler like Barack Obama used his oratory skills to woo the crowds and bring the media under their influence. After that, it was simple to feed the Party message to be released as news. The more this happened the easier it became to control the masses and the vote.

Then came the concentration of making everything “unDemocrat” to disappear. This is more of control the message, control the news and behind the scenes create the atmosphere that opponents go away- They used the media to demonize their opponents just like Obama, Clinton and the Democrats did to Donald Trump when he was President. The message they tried to foster was that everything Trump was bad and everything Democrat Part was good. This media control was called the Propaganda Ministry. The Party tried to get it renamed to Ministry of Culture and Public Enlightenment. Does that language sound familiar?

The other part of this message control was to create apathy within the citizenry of Germany. They did a very good job of that. Which led to the advancement of demonizing one or two segments of society by blame all of society ills on them. For Hitler, it was the Jews. This was easier for Hitler than the Democrats because Europeans already had a marked distrust of Jews. The Democrat Party of the United States is using both Jews and Christians as their scapegoats for all that goes wrong in the United States. They are the constant victims of violence, harassment, and oppression.

This has led to the Democrats creating a racist narrative designed to divide the nation between races and ethnicities, with the white race being demonized.

Once the Nazis gained power they then began controlling wages and managerial privileges. The Democrat Party call it the Minimum Wage and Paying Fair Share Taxes. They are really seeking to control all aspects of business in the United States by controlling the workers and management. Their next move will be what the Nazis did, ban all labor unions to be replaced by government-controlled labor unions.

In Germany, as we are now witnessing in the United States, they began to erode any semblance of Democracy or for the U.S. is the erosion of the Constitution and Bill of Rights until is was but a hollow façade and used only for publicity purposes. Everything that is un-Democrat Party has to disappear. The Democrats have been systematically doing this to where they are calling everything and everyone who disagrees with them as ”terrorists”, even though the description is far from the truth.

Once the Democrats thought they had effectively accomplished that, they created an economic and commodity crisis across the nation. This explains inflation that has mushroomed over the last sixteen months of the Administration of President Joe Biden. His administration has done everything possible to wrestle control of the economy of the United States from private control to government control. Once that was firmly in place they began a series of strategic commodity shortages designed for maximum dramatic effect.

In the midst of this Manufactured Economic Crisis they have begun to control the words people use by adopting the agenda of the one-percenters, the fringe of sexual orientation and anyone who does not go along the Democrats classify as Un-American. They also are attempting to control the narrative within our schools, further demonizing whites, Christians, and Jews. In addition they are trying to force unnatural sexual deviations on the youngest of our school children. Again, saying that to disagree with them is Un-American.

The last thing Hitler did to solidify his control was to burn down the Reichstag, the parliament building. I wonder if what the George Soros Controlled Democrat Party did over the past few years of burning our cities is symbolically the same?

The one problem the Democrats did not plan for was the Conservatives becoming stronger with each attack against them. In addition, their timing has been extremely ill planned. They did not count on Donald Trump having as much influence as he does. They didn’t count on the Trump Administration creating the most vibrant economy since the 1960s. So when they began their final assault, they took a great economy and destroyed it, whereas the Nazis had a world-wide depression to fuel their plan. Also, the citizens of the United States are now awake to their plans and are not buying into it.

21st Century Axis Of Evil

OR: How Joe Biden and the other leaders of the “Free World” are adopting the worst parts of Nazi Fascism, Communism and Sharia Law.

One-hundred years after Adolf Hitler began his political career, Joe Biden was running for the office of President of the United States of America. Adolf Hitler’s rise to power began in the newly established Weimar Republic in September 1919 when Hitler joined a political party known as the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei – DAP (German Workers’ Party).

This is significant! This Old Man does not believe in coincidences, especially when it involves actual world history!

You will be able to see the similarities of the 20thCentury Axis of Evil and the 21st Century Axis of Evil as I write this article. These similarities are so striking they cannot and should not be considered coincidental.

Joe Biden and the other leaders of the “So-Called” free world are either actively or passively acting in concert and support of Communist China Party (CCP), Putin’s Russia, the radical Muslim States; sans Japan. There, I have said it and it out in the open for public display and open discussion. Biden is the perfect example of passive support of the CCP; he either sits in his recliner in the living quarters of the White House or in the Oval Office does absolutely nothing address, curb, or acknowledge the evils of these regimes. What he does is to get his son, Hunter appointed to boards of companies with direct ties to the CCP in order to enrich the Biden Family bank accounts. This enrichment is in excess of $31 Million. Yet, Joe Biden professes to be a Christian as he is taking bribes and supporting corruption that is enslaving and genocide of the Uyghurs; who are a Muslim ethnic group living primarily in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR) in the far northwest of the People’s Republic of China (PRC).

During his first year of office, Joe Biden has accomplished only one thing, Sew the Seeds of Discontent and Division between those who want to preserve the Constitution of the United States of America and the Bill of Rights and those want to dismantle it in favor a Socialist State, ala Vladimir Lenin or Adolph Hitler.

The Free World Countries are using the CCP generated viral pandemic to seize control over companies, the government, the military, the Universities, and the very lives of its citizens. Within the last three days, the country of Italy began requiring Vax Passports to her citizens if they want to travel outside their homes. That mean they cannot leave even if they want to get groceries and personal items, so they can eat, wash themselves and wipe their asses. The City of Washington, DC USA has done exactly the same thing. The first thing Adolph Hitler did when he assumed power was to eradicate the freedom of association and movement throughout the country of Germany. ALERT: Once Vax Passports are required, they will become domestic passports and will never go away.

Joe Biden tried to issue mask mandates by illegal Executive Order for all Americans. That failed, because it violated so many of the Bill of Rights the Supreme Court had only one decision. The next thing Adolph Hitler did in Nazi German after assuming power, was to limit those who could vote and who could hold office. Along comes Joe Biden and the Democrats and introduce a bill in the House of Representatives, H.R.1 — 117th Congress (2021-2022), more commonly referred to as the Voting Rights Bill. It does everything possible to promote fraud in our election process. Let’s take a look at a few of those questionable sections:

  1. expands voter registration (e.g., automatic and same-day registration)
  2. expands voting access (e.g., vote-by-mail, voter drop-off boxes and early voting)
  3. limits removing voters from voter roll
  4. sets forth provisions related to election security, including sharing intelligence information with state election officials, supporting states in securing their election systems, developing a national strategy to protect U.S. democratic institutions, establishing in the legislative branch the National Commission to Protect United States Democratic Institutions, and other provisions to improve the cybersecurity of election systems.
  5. addresses ethics in all three branches of government, including by requiring a code of conduct for Supreme Court Justices…
  6. requires the President, the Vice President, and certain candidates for those offices to disclose 10 years of tax returns.

In other words, it gives the ruling party carte blanche in dictating how elections are to be held, counted, and who can run. The Constitution of the United States already addresses how federal elections are held and that it is up to the individual States that make up this Constitutional Republic how the elections are held for their offices. This bill is designed to circumnavigate the Amendment Process to the Constitution, which requires three-fourths of the States Legislatures to approve it. Luckily, so far the US Senate has failed to change its rule of requiring a 60% majority to pass it. If passed this will be step number two in the US becoming a fascist Nazi State.

So now within his first year, we have the Biden Administration in concert with the Democrat Majority in the United States Senate and House of Representatives trying to limit our freedom to associate and our ability to vote all under the guise of security. If you haven’t figured it out yet, this is called Slavery!

Here is how Merriam Webster defines ‘Slavery’:

Definition of slavery

1a: the practice of slaveholding

b: the state of a person who is held in forced servitude

c: a situation or practice in which people are entrapped (as by debt) and exploited

2: submission to a dominating influence


I don’t know about you, This Old Man would rather live in danger and be free than live as a slave and be secure!

You now are asking yourselves, “What is next?”

That is easy and the Democrats along with the Far Left began this effort as soon as Donald J Trump was inaugurated as the 45th President of the United States. They are attacking the two most important provisions of the 1st Amendment to the Constitution; they are, freedom to speak our minds without fear of repercussion, and our ability to worship and practice what religious teachings we decide to follow.

Yes, our freedom to speak freely without reprisal is being attacked, and it began during the Trump Administration in States and cities under the complete control of the Democrat Party and members of the Democrat Party. It began in the City of Portland, Oregon. A band of political operative roamed the streets of Portland dressed completely in black from head to toe. The only differences between those who call themselves Antifa and the Brown Shirts of Hitler during his rise to power are the color of their uniform the leaving of beer halls out of the mix, everything else is identical. Antifa violently beat, maim, and kill anyone who does not agree with their socialist ideas and attempts to create national anarchy leaving a void where enemies of the State can take over.

Are you not at least curious as to why not one Antifa leader or soldier has not been arrested for Domestic Terrorism? Have you even questioned the lack of pursuit against that organization? And now the Joe Biden is President, not one word is being said as they pursue their purpose of anarchy in our streets. The Democrats for five years have been giving Antifa their verbal, if not their financial support. This of itself should be alarming and a wake-up call to every citizen of the United States.

The next bastion of Freedom that has been under attack by the Democrats and the Far Left, is what is commonly known as ‘Freedom of Religion’. Anti-Semitism is on the rise in the United States. What is even more shocking is the rise of attacks on Christians and Christianity. Anyone who denies this is blind, willfully ignorant, or just plain stupid! It is happening. Neither Christian or Jew feels safe practicing their religious preference without some form of push back by the Elites, Antifa, and other radical extremists. If one goes as far as to debate the tenants and practices of the Muslim Religion, that person is castigated, ridiculed, shamed, and called all sorts of foul names, under the guise of ‘Freedom of Religion’. Yet, on the other hand, it is permitted and acceptable to not only debate, but to demonize, besmirch, openly attack and ridicule Christians and Jews. I see a double standard in play across this country.

In Nazi Germany, Communist Countries, and Fascist States there is no freedom to worship or to practice your religious principles. This Old Man feels particularly vulnerable. This is because, I am already ridiculed by other Christians. The reason for this is that I practice 1st Century Christianity. The original message and practices of those who brought the ministry of Yeshuah David (Jesus) to the southern shores of what we now call Europe. It was a simple relay of Christ’s message of Love. It was not held in a ‘Church” building. It wasn’t held behind an altar. All it requires was for you to believe in the message with your heart, your body, your mind, and your soul – nothing else. It was a message of inclusion, of love, of devotion, and forgiveness. Doesn’t the Lord’s Prayer request that our God in Heaven forgive those who sin against us? It was also a message of the divine bloodline of Yeshuah David. I have lived my life simply. I never coveted or held against those who have what we call the finer things in life. I centered my life around my Christianity and my family.

My Christianity requires that I do what I can politically to insure that people are free to speak their minds without fear of retribution. That others are free to worship and practice their religion as they desire; after all God has given Man the freedom of choice, how can I do anything less.

We do not need to revisit having an Axis of Evil on this planet we call Earth. We The People have tasted freedom and want no part of the slavery promised by the Democrats, the Far Left, and those who promote the New World Order. It is time, we become that Light On The Hill, to stand and be counted, and to say, “I would rather die to be free, than to live to be a slave.”

Sheep’s To The Slaughter

OR: American Citizens handing over their Guaranteed Rights Under the Bill of Rights, one by one.

The number of People allowing the Federal and State governments to control, limit and actually ban We The People’s Right to associate, speak freely and to congregate is alarming. Even Left Leaning Talk Host, Bill Maher has taken note and is opting on the side of common sense. Here is what he said:

“Florida is home to all the old people in America,” Maher shot back. “I was just in Florida. I’ve been there a few times since this started. The atmosphere is just different. I’m not moving to Florida. I’m not promoting Florida. I’m just saying AOC just went to Florida and had a good time without a mask on. … The atmosphere was just night and day from California, which was gloomy, and the Andromeda strain was out there. And you went to Florida and I’m just saying- yes, there are different factors… but basically, they stayed open and went on with life and didn’t do a helluva lot worse and maybe did better.”

The Joe Biden Administration by constantly keeping the willfully ignorant American Public in a constant state of panic and fear, is taking away our freedom to associate with whom we like and when we like. When they allow us to associate, the Administration is adding draconian rules about how, when and where we can associate. The District of Columbia has gone as far as to confine people to their homes if they refuse to take the “Allowed” government vaccines. The Mayor of DC has issued an Executive Order requiring everyone who is vaccinated to have a “Vax Passport.” The ones that actually work, the cure COVID while also treating the symptoms of COVID are not among those medicines allowed, and therefore do not count.

This Old Man was born in 1949. So, I grew up when WWII was still fresh in the minds of every American citizen. We learned about how the Third Reich and Adolph Hitler came into power in Germany. We learned about the Brown Shirt Thugs. We learned about he used the military to subjugate the German citizens. We learned about how the SS burst into homes, taking the families of dissidents into the streets, and shot them or hauled them off to some gulag or concentration camp. We learned how Hitler and his thugs first took away peoples right to associate, then took away their weapons, then took away their freedom of speech, then took away their freedom to worship and gave them passports that they had to carry at all times when outside of their homes.

Do you, my readers, see any similarities with what is happening here in the United States of America since the inauguration of Joe Biden as President? I do!

The Constitutional Republic of the United States of America is under attack. We are not being attacked by Iran, Russia, North Korea, Communist China, or any number of other nations that hate us. We are under attack by our own citizens.

I never thought that in my lifetime that I would see a President do everything he could to turn My Country into a Nazi State and take away My Rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights and the Constitution of the United States of America.

It is time we take a stand before it is too late. It is time to resist and to repeat what EE Cummings once wrote: “I will not go gently into that good night!” Do Not let the image become our new symbol on the world’s stage!

Don’t Be A SNIOP

OR: Avoid well-intentioned and well-educated idiots

I struggled throughout my education. It did not come easy for me. The biggest lesson I learned through Kindergarten and Post College Graduate Education was perseverance, determination, common sense and what it takes to be successful. I was a banker for 45 years. I didn’t start my career until my mid-twenties. I held positions from Branch Manager, Department Manager, Assistant Vice President during my time in business. Was I the smartest person in the room, not by a long shot? Did I have the most common sense in the room, more than likely?

You are by now asking yourself, “What is his point?” Well I am coming to that.

What made me successful in my career, were the same things that made me successful in my college and post college education. My declared major in college was English. I fell into an undeclared major in American Studies, with minors in US History, Social Anthropology, and Linguistics. All have served me well over the years.

Ever since I was a young child in elementary school, I’ve had a love affair with the written word. I began writing short stories in the third grade, and began my love of reading with The Once and Future King by TH White at the same time. My mother was a History and Civics teacher at the high school level. She was a great teacher. So my history education began when I was but a toddler and my love of the written word was a perfect fit; but what is English Literature other than a form of history. In English speaking countries (that is where my experience lays) you cannot study the English language without studying history. You cannot study the metamorphosis of the English Language without studying history.

What does history really teach us? There are and have been a slew of well-educated idiots, now and throughout history. I will tie this together with my banking background for you.

In my career of banking, I worked in smaller local or community banks. I have had to hire, support, encourage and on occasion fire employees. It didn’t take me long to realize there were a lot of well-educated people in the field of Business Administration, Economics, Banking and Finance. It also didn’t take me long to realize among those well-educated people there were a lot of people who used education as crutch to avoid life. For me, the best employees were those with a proven track record or those without that track record, and a modicum of common sense.

Once someone was hired it took a short period of time to know which of them would be an asset to the company. Let me put in a more practical set of words. There are many people with college degrees who can spout theory, and statistics all day until the cows come home. Their problem is, once the cows are home, they don’t have a clue as to how to get them in the barn.

Today our federal government, and most of the states on the east and left coasts, along with several others are being run by well-educated idiots. Their stupidity is glaring, and they have fooled a lot of people for a very long time.

Three years ago this last December, my wife suffered a traumatic brain injury. In order to best take care of her, we moved from South Dakota to Minnesota to be close to my son and as such moved into a senior living facility. It was just becoming too difficult to maintain a home and to take care of my wife’s needs. My wife comes before where I rest my head at the end of each day. I have come to realize, even at the apartment level there is a lot well intentioned stupidity that creeps into our lives each day.

It is up to us, We The People to take care of our own lives, to protect our constitutional freedoms, to know that freedom has many enemies, and that most are elitists and well-educated idiots who want to push their fears of living life upon the rest of us.

Many years ago I listened to Zig Ziglar who proposed that we do not become a SNIOP. What is a SNIOP? That is someone who Susceptible to the Negative Influence of Other People.

Don’t be a SNIOP!

Human, Child And Sex Trafficking

OR: All the stories Social Media has and is taking down are true, verified by research!

Before you say it’s all a conspiracy, research. I’m sure this will be taken down soon.

I’m just the messenger… But here you go….

I’ve been researching this crap for a while…The FBI uncovered a sex trafficking ring in Boystown, right outside of Omaha Ne. That was back in the late 80’s early 90’s when Barney Franks was a Senator. The FBI field director’s name was run into the ground, he was forced out of the FBI, and eventually was suicided.

Pizzagate is real!

It isn’t some conspiracy theory. It’s real. It’s always been real. And you can’t convince me otherwise.

If you think the Wayfair Stuff makes you sick, then wait. Because what you’re seeing is just a small piece to a HUGE puzzle.

This runs deep.

People laughed at Pizzagate…. They aren’t laughing anymore. Human trafficking is real. It’s one of the classes you take when you’re fostering/adopting. It’s at least 4 hours.

Elite pedophilia is real. Organ harvesting is real. It’s not a new phenomenon. It’s not something that just started. It’s been going on for YEARS. It’s not something that is just going on in the US. It’s happening all over the world. It involves Hollywood. It involves politicians on both sides. It involves the Rich. People you look up to are involved.

And I get it. It’s hard to wrap your head around what’s going on. It’s hard to imagine something so dark and disgusting going on right under your nose. It’s hard to imagine something so evil is happening to our children. It’s easy to laugh it off as some conspiracy theory. Oh no, not my favorite actor, singer, or politician. Oh no, not Hillary. She can’t be involved. She was going to save us from Trump.

The international Labor Organization estimates 40.3 MILLION human trafficking victims GLOBALLY.

  • If you think this is still a hoax or don’t want to come to terms with the fact that an Elite Pedophilia ring exists, ask yourself this:
  • Everyone knew about Epstein and his love for underage girls.
  • People were calling Little Saint James “Pedophile Island” since Epstein purchased the island in 1998.
  • With that knowledge, why did Bill Clinton and Obama visit Epstein’s pedophile Island? Multiple times?
  • Why did the locals report seeing dozens of young kids being taken across there for years?
  • Why was Bill Gates a regular visitor there?
  • Prince Andrew…. Do I need to say more and why is The Queen going around threatening anyone to run the story if it’s not true?
  • You mean to tell me that all these prominent men and women went to this pedophile island for one big party? Knowing what they knew about him? It wasn’t a secret.
  • What was Epstein using the underground tunnels for?
  • Who was Ghislaine Maxwell?
  • Did you know she owned a submarine company?
  • Did you know she has her sub pilot license?
  • What could she possibly need a submarine pilot license for?
  • Did you know that yachts with submarines were used to transport kidnapped children from Haiti to Epstein’s pedophile Island?
  • What about Laura Silsby? The woman who was tried in Haiti for trying to sneak and KIDNAP 30 children to bring them to the US. Clinton’s used executive order to bring her back without being charged.
  • The kicker…… guess who changed their legal name and is in charge of amber alert— Laura Silsby… but let’s not mention that…. People who dig down that hole end up dying….
  • Did you know the TerraMar project was founded by Clinton Foundation and was located in the Lynn De Rothschild property in Manhattan?
  • Chelsea Clinton and Ghislaine are reported to be remarkably close and actually vacationed together. You mean to tell me that Chelsea didn’t know about Ghislaine?
  • Remember when Chelsea’s wedding was paid for with money that was supposed to feed starving Haitian children?
  • Why did Hillary put Ghislaine’s nephew in charge of key Middle East policy decisions when she ran the State Department? You know… the one overseeing US/Libya policy that got an ambassador killed.
  • What about the Podesta Emails?
  • What was up with John and Tony Podesta’s artwork?
  • Would you own any of that creepy “art”?
  • Why would Obama buy $65,000 worth of taxpayer’s money to have hot dogs fly in from Chicago for a private party?
  • Did you know that hotdog is an FBI code word for young boys?
  • Who is James Alefantis?
  • A pizza restaurant owner in DC. Who happens to be named one of the most powerful people in DC-A pizza place, a man that owns a children’s pizza place, a man that has close ties with the Clinton’s, Obama, Epstein and many more?
  • Have you seen his Instagram? Oh you probably haven’t… you’re just now looking into everything.
  • Have you looked up the art that is in his pizza place?
  • You want your kids seeing that stuff?
  • What about the dark web login to get into his site and order pizza that cost thousands of dollars? Oh wait… that was taken down.
  • What is a pizza place owner doing communicating with the White House?
  • What about the Hollywood actor that walked into comet pizza and shot at a locked closet door? The same closet that housed his computer which ended up with a bullet through the hard drive? Odd.
  • What about Anthony Weiner? All the emails found on his laptop.
  • You mean to tell me that his wife, Huma Abedin, had no knowledge of what was going on?
  • Huma and her friend Hillary had NO clue about this 15-year-old girl?
  • What about the folder titled “Life Insurance”?
  • You know the one that housed the now famous videos titled “Frazzledrip” with Huma and Hillary. You want nightmares, read about those videos!!
  • The same Huma and Hillary who 9 NYPD have “committed” suicide after watching a horrific video of them doing unspeakable things to little girl? The same NYPD who threw up because what they saw was horrific?
  • Speaking of suicide, why have 57 former colleagues and associated ended up dead in the past 30 years? 15 have died of suicide. 8 died in a plane, car, or motorcycle accident and 14 have been found mysteriously murdered. All of these people had info that could have potentially hurt the Clinton’s career. I don’t even have 57 friends,  let alone know 57 people that I need to add to a hit list.
  • Why is James Comey’s daughter the lead prosecutor on the Epstein sex trafficking case?
  • Former CEO of Reddit, Ellen Pao admitted they Knew Ghislaine supplied underage girls for Epstein and his ‘pedo’ buddies?
  • The Norwegian Royal Family implicated in Epstein Scandal? Why? Not surprising considering Prince Andrew.
  • What about Oprah’s mentor? John of God and Weinstein. You mean to tell me Oprah didn’t know? Come on now…
  • Have you even heard of the NXIVM case? They were just running a sex cult where Smallville actress, Allison Mack was arrested and indicted on federal charges related to sex trafficking.
  • The McMartin Preschool, The Franklin Cover up, Seth Rich, Isaac Kappy, Boystown, The Finders, the Bohemian Club. The list goes on and on…
  • Denish Hastert…. Do you know him? You should. Good buddies with Podesta….
  • Robert Menendez. Mike Folmer. Prominent democratic donor, Terry Bean. David Byrd. George Byrd. All known prominent pedophiles.

Why don’t we hear more about Biden’s Island? Very close to Epstein’s Island.

The Podesta brothers were known suspect’s years ago when little Madeline McCain was stolen from her parent’s hotel while on vacation. What ever happened to her?

This doesn’t even cover a quarter of what is going on. This is so much more than Epstein. It’s so much more than Ghislaine. This runs deep and you’re going to be shocked at the ending.

I’m not interested in hypotheticals, rumors or fact-less connections. Everything. Everything ties together. Everything is connected.

So while others are more concerned about COVID, I’m more concerned about saving our children. Aren’t you?

Pass it on… if you believe one scintilla of the above before the Facebook and Twitter police get rid of it…

Case Against Gen. Flynn, Government Corruption At Its Best!

OR: Was is a planned Criminal Conspiracy at the Core of the government’s case against Retired General Michael Flynn?

The Bubble is about to burst wide open on the United States of America vs Retired Lieutenant General Michael Thomas Flynn. Evidence of a planned conspiracy at the upper echelons of the FBI (those are the management people on the 7th Floor of the Hoover Building) is leaking out bit by bit and the hole is getting bigger by the day. Make no mistake, the rank and file, non-management, Agents of the FBI did their job and did it with honor and as it should be. They collected the evidence and turned it in.

We need to remember that this is the Top Law Enforcement Agency in the United States of America. This brings into question the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Every Citizen of the United States of America has certain Rights to protect them from government overreach and government tyranny. So, if this can happen to a Retired General of the United States Army, what can happen to us, We The People, who work our tails off to make a decent living, raise a family and try to live the American Dream?

One of the lead stories this morning, May 5, 2020 Fox New Online written by Gregg Re says:

“Explosive, newly unsealed evidence documenting the FBI’s efforts to target national security adviser Michael Flynn — including a top official’s handwritten memo debating whether the FBI’s “goal” was “to get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired” — calls into question whether Brandon Van Grack, a Justice Department prosecutor and former member of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Team, complied with a court order to produce favorable evidence to Flynn.

Since February 2018, Van Grack has been obligated to comply with D.C. District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan’s standing order in the Flynn case to produce all evidence in the government’s possession “that is favorable to defendant and material either to defendant’s guilt or punishment.”¹

With all the crime dramas on TV and the movies, most of us know what exculpatory evidence is and that it must be turned over to the defense in any criminal case. For you snowflakes in the audience, the word exculpatory is defined: adj. applied to evidence which may justify or excuse an accused defendant’s actions, and which will tend to show the defendant is not guilty or has no criminal intent.

In other words what Gregg Re was saying is that a DOJ Prosecutor failed to turn over the exculpatory evidence as required and when a sitting judge issued a bench order for that to be done the prosecutor violated a duly issued “Judge’s Order”; which at best is Contempt of Court, a misdemeanor.

Newsmax Independent American May 5, 2020 posted an article by David A Patten written last Thursday, April 30, 2020 that sheds more light leading to a planned criminal conspiracy on the part of the FBI and DOJ against General Flynn in order to get information to take down the Presidency of Donald J Trump:

“Yet another bombshell development emerged Thursday in the case of former National Security Adviser Gen. Michael Flynn: the release of additional exculpatory evidence FBI officials had withheld from the courts and the defense for three years.

Crucially, this includes evidence that the Bureau’s official “302 report” filed by the lead agent who interviewed Flynn was edited multiple times, including by an official who never participated in the interview.

Thursday’s revelations come on top of yesterday’s disclosures indicating an apparent attempt by FBI officials to trap Flynn into committing a criminal offense during an interview.

The new revelation could prove even more significant: In addition to the apparently calculated effort to get Flynn to commit perjury or obstruction, top FBI figures, including FBI Deputy Assistant Director Peter Strzok and FBI lawyer Lisa Page, repeatedly altered the “302 report” that was filed after the Flynn interview.”²

The most damning evidence of all is against the then Director of the FBI James Comey. In a 2018 video taped interview of James Comey by MSNBC’s Nicole Wallace. She asked Comey who went around protocol to send FBI agents directly into the White House to interview the retired general in January 2017.

His response was just three words, followed by an explanation of what he meant. Those three words literally spelled out the FBI’s intent on interrogating Ret. Gen. Flynn then the White House Chief of Staff for President, Donald J. Trump.

“I sent them.”

He then explained, “Something I probably wouldn’t have done and maybe gotten away with in a more organized investigation.”

Here is what is telling about the “Comey Confession”; the normal protocol is if the FBI wants to send agents into the White House itself to interview a senior official, they work through the White House counsel, and there would be discussions and approvals and who would be there.

It is clear that the intent was to gather dirt on the President through any means necessary, even if it meant breaking FBI Protocol or the laws of the United States of America.

It is becoming evident to this “Old Man With A Pen” that this will link back to all the Democrat efforts to smear the name of President Elect Donald J. Trump by James Comey, former CIA Head John Brennan and Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper when they spied on members of the Trump Presidential Campaign and then the President Elect’s Transition Team.

There is only one way for spying to on an American Citizen to get authorized and that is by order of the Chief Executive Officer of the United States, most common known as “The President of the United States” to issue an order for that to be done.

It has become clear to this “Old Man” that what happened to General Flynn started before he became White House Chief of Staff for President Trump and it was a criminal conspiracy leading up to the highest levels of the Executive Branch of Government when Barack H. Obama was then President of the United States.

It is time for the United States Appeals Courts to Exonerate Ret. Gen. Michael Flynn, to dismiss his confession and to vacate the judgement against him.

¹Fox News May 5, 2020 by Gregg Re: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/flynn-evidence-calls-into-question-statements-by-former-special-counsel-brandon-van-grack
²Newsmax Independent American May 5, 2020 By David A. Patten Thursday, 30 April 2020 04:48 PM: https://www.newsmax.com/us/strzok-page-flynn/2020/04/30/id/965493/

Retired Lieutenant General, Michael Thomas Flynn

OR: Who was the first person the Democrats targeted in their coup attempt to take down a duly and lawfully elected President of the United States of America.

Retired Lieutenant General Michael Thomas Flynn has an extremely loyal base of followers and admirers. From not having a military background, this author has become intrigued as to why Ret. Gen. Flynn commands such loyalty, even after leaving the Army after thirty-three years of service. There has to be something about the man himself that commands the attention of so many. I have worked for bosses who I have thanked after getting my butt chewed out royally. Ret. Gen. Flynn sounds just like this type of man. And, then why did go from revered American Hero to being reviled by so many? This author’s background is a BA degree in English and American Studies and an MA degree in English – Medieval Cyclical Romances. His mother was a high school English and Civics teacher; Who spent forty-five years as a banker and financial adviser. In other words a person who likes to write with a lifetime of learning history and civics and who knows personal economics.

Before we get into the nasty and traitorous details of the coup, let’s find out who General Flynn was as a person. He has to be somebody’s son or brother. To get to be the National Security Advisor for a President of the United States, a person must have some very high qualifications.

Michael Thomas Flynn was born in December 1958 in Middletown, Rhode Island. He is the son of Charles and Helen Flynn; and he is the brother to eight brothers and sisters. He married his high school sweetheart Lori Andrade. They had two sons Michael and Matt. The Flynn family were life-long Democrats as were his ancestors. Michael Flynn was and still is a registered Democrat.

Flynn was educated in Rhode Island through his undergraduate degree from the University of Rhode Island, where he was in the Army ROTC program. He matriculated with a degree an MB in Management Sciences 1981 from the same university He excelled at sports as a young man.

After graduating, Michael Flynn joined the U.S. Army as Second Lieutenant. His first assignment was at Fort Bragg in North Carolina. From there, he was deployed as a platoon leader to the police action in Granada in 1983.

During his career, Michael Flynn garnered some of the military’s top honor, such as the Defense Superior Service Medal, the Bronze Star, and the Legion or Merit. As part of his military life, Flynn studied. He holds three graduate degrees: A Master of Business Administration in Telecommunications from Golden Gate University, San Francisco; a Master of Military Arts and Sciences from Fort Leavenworth, Kansas; and a Master of National Security and Strategic Studies from the United States Naval War College. He also holds an Honorary Doctor of Laws from The Institute of World Politics, Washington, D.C.

During his career, General Flynn received a steady string of promotions as he rotated from posts. He served with the 82nd Airborne Div. at Schofield Barracks in Hawaii. He served as the Senior Observer/Controller for Intelligence at the Joint Readiness Training Center at Fort Polk, Louisiana. He also served as Commander, 111th Military Intelligence Brigade at the Army’s Intelligence Center at Fort Huachuca, Arizona. He was also named chief of joint war plans for the American invasion of Haiti in 1994. It should be noted that Fort Huachuca is home to United States Army Network Enterprise Technology Command (NETCOM), the United States Army Intelligence Center (USAICoE), and Libby Army Airfield. In addition, Flynn served as the director of intelligence for Joint Special Operations Command in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Under President Barack Obama, General Flynn served as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency in 2012, but was forced out of the position in 2014, officials told The Washington Post. However, other officials have said Flynn maintains President Obama fired him from the Defense Intelligence Agency two years ago because he took a stand against “radical Islamism,” and claimed Al-Qaeda was expanding its ranks around the globe. In other words, General Michael Flynn refused to compromise his integrity, morals and what he thought was right.

Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn retired August 7, 2014 as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency and from a 33-year Army career. In a ceremony held at DIA Headquarters in Washington, D.C., nearly 500 distinguished visitors, representing more than 80 countries, joined life-long friends and family to celebrate Flynn’s career. From what this author has been able to develop, General Flynn was universally admired and loved by the men and women who served under his command through his military career. In addition, again from those who this author has been informed, that leaving the Obama administration was a firing because Flynn pushed the need from a military and strategic standpoint to carefully monitor and respond to the actions of Radical Muslims around the world.

After retirement, Michael Flynn didn’t take it easy to go play twenty-four holes of golf every day. Flynn formed the Virginia-based Flynn Intel Group, which offered private intelligence and security services, and he signed on with a speakers’ bureau. He also made the rounds as a television analyst, including appearances on the Russian state network RT. In late 2015, he sat next to Russian president Vladimir Putin at an RT banquet.

By all appearances, this is exactly the type of person who should be advising the President of the United States on a daily basis. He spent his entire career studying threats and making threat assessments based on actual facts gleaned from field operatives and other sources of intelligence. Retired General Michael Flynn served his country honestly, morally and with admiration from those who worked for and with him.

After more than three decades spent largely behind the scenes, Flynn ‘suddenly’ became outspoken and started taking more extreme positions politically; which surprised former colleagues. During the month of February 2016, Ret. General Flynn tweeted “Fear of Muslims is RATIONAL”. Later that same year, he co-authored a book, ‘The Field of Fight’, on how to combat radical Islam. It was during the 2016 Republican National Convention he became widely known, when he whipped the crowd into a frenzy over the transgressions of Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, leading the chant of “lock her up!” Remember, Ret. Gen. Flynn is a registered Democrat; which garnered him attention, animus and hatred with the Democrats.

The Democrats began a campaign to discredit Ret. Gen. Flynn for the rest of 2016 and through the time he spent as the White House National Security Adviser. When Donald J. Trump became the Presidential Candidate for the Republican Party, the coup began in earnest; First to prevent Trump from becoming President; Second, in the unlikely event that he did become President of the United States. The Democrats of the election year 2016 wore blinders. Instead of focusing on campaigning in every state, the Clinton campaign focused on a media campaign that was doomed to failure, due to the nature of the media campaign and the time of that campaign.

The biggest difference in the campaign was Trump focused on what was possible, how he would help to bring relief to American workers and small business owners, the backbone of the American Economy. When he compared himself to Hillary Clinton, he used her proven record and her proven background to his record of achievement in the private sector. He didn’t go negative for negative sake. Trump used Obama’s old intelligence advisor in his campaign. Ret. Gen. Michael Flynn.

Ret. Gen. Flynn knew the internal workings of a White House Staff, from first-hand experience. He knew the military that Trump respected and admired. He knew the international intelligence necessary for a President to have at his fingertips and had the ability to steer Trump clear of areas of extreme controversy, where no candidate should go. In addition, Ret. Gen. Flynn had resources the Trump campaign could rely upon during the campaign. One such source was Pasquale ‘Pat’ Scopelliti, who authored, ‘Scopelliti’s Dawn Analysis’ for Ret. Gen. Flynn.

Mr. Scopelliti’s excellent work was praised by Ret. Gen. Flynn, quoted with permission:

“Pat’s keen analysis throughout the entire campaign, right up to election day itself, was not only extremely useful but relevant to our team’s decision-making process. We won in a decisive way and there’s no question that Pat’s work helped us all during this very hard-fought campaign to win back America’s very heart and soul.”

Michael T. Flynn

Lt. General (Retired)

United States Army

Mr. Scopelliti provided what I would call parallel event line horizon analysis of polling data. I wish I had met Pat during the campaign. His analysis was spot on and I can see why Ret. Gen. Flynn relied upon it. He took raw data and used it to predict the polling trends of both Trump and Clinton. By reading his analysis, this author clearing could see the disastrous results for the candidates in the Democrat Party.

By drawing out the initial analysis, one could easily predict the animus the DNC and the Clinton campaign would have against the General as a registered Democrat. During the campaigns closing days before the 2016 election, one could feel the momentum swing from Clinton to the rough-around-the-edges Trump. There were many voters who voted for Trump; but vehemently denied doing so.

Here is some of what Pat said in his analysis to Ret. Gen. Flynn:

“Prognosticators and pundits all struck out. Even well-respected pollsters and analysts, such as Chris Stirewalt and Larry Sabato failed, as did all the news outlets with their vast resources, such as the AP and FOX. Of course, the mainstream media failed utterly. CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, the Washington Post, New York Times, LA Times and more were all totally wrong in their calls. But it is obvious to anyone that their left leaning political agenda and pervasive dishonesty go hand in hand to concoct and support the outcome they desire. Scientific polling operations did no better. Gallup, Quinnipiac, Pew Research Center, Harris Poll, the Monmouth Poll, Nate Silver’s FiveThirtyEight, Reuters/Ipsos, Rasmussen, and countless others got the call completely wrong, too.

The general pain amongst them was so great that one polling operation, Rasmussen, published the following claim. Their victory call for Clinton had her up by only 2 percentage points. So, they decided by some strange polling logic that, with their call the least wrong, they were entitled to head the class as the most accurate of the other pollsters who got it more wrong than they did. Wow.

So, exactly why did nearly everyone miss what you will find strongly proclaimed in the analyses here, Donald Trump’s decisive victory? In a word, a new analytical method was needed to account for a completely new phenomenon.”

This is where what I am calling Event Horizon Analysis came into play. The harder Trump worked and showed up in communities that had never seen a Republican Presidential candidate before turned the election. The analysis Pat uses is similar to that I used as a financial adviser and stock adviser to my clients in my forty-five years in banking. It is one of the most sound ways to analyze trends.

I suppose you are asking, “What does this have to do with the Democrats targeting Ret. Gen. Flynn?” The answer is everything.

Lt. General Michael T. Flynn (Ret.) had become a valued adviser to the “enemy” of the Democrats. Yes, I said enemy. That is how the Democrats views the candidate for President, Donald J. Trump. He stood for up for “Cleaning House in DC”. Ret. Gen. Flynn recognized early that Trump was not your ‘traditional’ Republican candidate. He realized that Trump stood for the average American Citizen. He realized that Trump held the same moral compass as did he.

The reason Michael Thomas Flynn, Retired Lieutenant General was targeted by the ‘Democrat Machine’ was his training, his education, his entire background was to stand on the ‘Wall’ and defend the citizens of the United States of America from enemies both foreign and domestic. It had become obvious that Hillary Clinton, viewed herself as “heir-apparent” to the “Throne”, as well as did her supporters. Ret. Gen. Flynn could not buy into that philosophy or program.

You may wonder why I used the “Democrat Machine”? I too come from a very long line of Democrats. My great-grandfather, William C Hendricks was a Democrat. He was a State Senator from Butte County, California to the California State Legislature. He was appointed the first Director of Prisons by the then Democrat Governor. He was elected Secretary of State for the State of California. His first cousin a Democrat was the 21st Vice President of the United States of America, Thomas Andrews Hendricks; and was previously was U.S. Senator from the State of Indiana; who hung his hat with the Political Machine, Tammany Hall of New York City. Their Uncle, William was third Governor of the State of Indiana as a Democrat. I have spent a lifetime studying my genealogy and my family. As such I have gained a lot of knowledge about the Democrat Party for the past one-hundred-seventy years.

The very pursuit of Ret. Lt. General Michael T. Flynn has been a “Hit Job” from the very beginning. He was being interrogated when told by the then Comey FBI that they were just gathering information about election interference and election fraud. As it turns out, Michael Flynn was their target, he was assumed guilty and it was up to him to prove himself innocent. President, Donald J. Trump should clear Lt. General Michael T. Flynn (Ret.) of all charges and clear his good name. His guilt was that he disagreed with the Platform of the 2016 Democrat Party.

Dusty Johnson Sells Out South Dakota

Or How to fool an entire State into thinking that you are a Conservative

Dusty Johnson Planning Bid For South Dakota US House Seat ...

During the Primary Dusty Johnson ran on a “Conservative Platform”. I don’t personally know Dusty; but I know him in politics. He is a Mitt Romney, George Bush globalist RINO. He no more conservative than Senator Charles Schumer of New York.

On the most important Republican/Conservative issue to come before the House of Representatives, the Censure of Rep. Adam Schiff of the 28th District of California for nearly every conceivable breaking of House Rule, lying in committee hearing, holding secret investigations, denying the President Due Process, Dusty Johnson refused to sign onto Resolution to Censure.

Over the next year, this Old Man with a Pen will do everything in his power to defeat Mr. Johnson and to get him expelled from the Republican Party of South Dakota. Mr. Johnson, you are hereby being put on notice that you have become ‘persona non grata’ with the concerned citizens of the United States. So far, you have not stood by the conservative principles that got you elected. By not standing for censure of Rep. Adam Schiff, you have stood for the destruction of our Beloved Constitution of the United States of America.

You should be ashamed of your actions; as you do not speak for the conservative principles of South Dakota.